business for sale Tag

Do you like dogs? Do you like happiness? Then, boy oh good boi, do we have a business opportunity for you! This  state-of-the-art Doggie Daycare has a delightful mission: to increase the amount of joy in the world by helping dogs stay healthy and happy—and ­­better able to support us. For many animal-lovers, the idea of spending their days interacting with dogs and the people who love them can seem like the stuff of fantasy. This business...

Quite the week for Albuquerque, which made the Top 50 U.S. Cities for Starting a Business in 2020, according to a study conducted by Inc. and entrepreneurship researchers Startup Genome. These "Surge Cities" leverage local assets, human capital, and development strategy to drive success, with interesting lessons to be learned in each case. Entrepreneurship through acquisition can be a savvy path to business ownership, side-stepping some of the associated risk. Learn about about businesses for...

Multiples are tricky things to figure out when you’re valuing a business for sale. Lots of opinions are floating around, most stemming from imperfect information. Uncle Bob’s golf buddy sold his widget store for a million bucks based on a multiple of five! Such “buddy wisdom” can lead you astray. Unrealistic expectations can result in a price point that the market simply won’t support. Your business languishes with little to no buyer activity. First Things First So,...

In a recent Harvard Business Review article, Harvard Business School professors Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff advocate for more aspiring entrepreneurs to pursue their goals by buying a business. They site concern over risk as the most common explanation for shying away from acquisition. They further argue that these concerns are short sighted and unfounded. Comparing Risk “We think that these concerns about ‘risk’ are misplaced and that searching for a business is less risky than...